KyhduRa: Space Migration


The Gahdu (or GahduRa) were an advanced race of beings from the distant Ra star system. Many Gahdu visited and studied the Sol System, influencing and manipulating Earth (Ava’i) and its human inhabitants (the Avau) for eons.  We see them in the myths and cultures of ancient humans throughout the world.  They are often depicted much larger than humans and often as human bodies with the head of a bird, but also as bird bodies with human heads, or as various bird-like spirits.  Proof of their influence on Earth has been passed down through our oral, art, and written histories.

The Gahdu were an avian-like race of people who would arrive on Earth in enormous raptor shaped starships, which would descend from the skies bringing with them massive clouds and blustering winds.  Once on the ground, towering birdmen clad in elaborate metal armor and beaked helmets would process from the belly of the gigantic raptor.  The Gahdu were both a frightening and stunning site for the ancient humans to see as the eight to nine-foot-tall avian species emerged from their vessels, and then scanned the area before removing their helmets.  They were human-like in appearance in as much as they, stood upright on two legs, had two hands, and fairly humanoid faces.  They differed with their towering height, bird-like eyes, prominent noses, taloned fingers and toes, and feathered wings; and yet smooth, almost satin-sheen skin.  Where humans would have hair on their heads the Gahdu donned plumage ranging from very soft, fine down to long, extruding, scattered plumage.  Both their skin and feathers varied in shades from earth-tones to bright, vivid hues, not one of them being exactly alike.

They are recognized by many names throughout the cultures of Earth.  In Asia, and one of the many close transliterations, is the Garuda in Hindu culture.  They are also known as Karura in Japan, the Khangarid or Khangard in Mongolia, and Galurâ in the Philippines.  Sumerians knew the Gahdu Anu and the Anunnaki.  Apkallu was well-known throughout Mesopotamia.  Egypt had several Gahdu amongst their pantheon of gods in the form of Ra, Horus, Thoth, Khonsu, Montu, and Nekhbet. To the Austronesians they were Tangata Manu on Easter Island (the nation of Te Pito O Te Henua) and the Birdman of Lanai on Hawaii.  They weren’t just known throughout Asia, Africa and Austronesia though.  In Europe, the Greeks depict Anthus as the god of birds.  The earliest depictions of the Greek goddess Athena (Minerva in Roman) show her with wings.  The harpies were a group of known Gahdu.  Norse mythology calls them Valkyrie and recognize their ship Hraesvelgr.  Morrigan appears in Celtic mythology as a crow or blackbird.  The Slavic and ancient Russian peoples called them Gamayun and Alkonost.  The Judeo-Christian cultures know them as the various choirs of angels, with many of their names well-known.  Even the word “god” itself, derives originally from the Gahdu, and seen in the proto-germanic word “guda.”  The Americas weren’t untouched by the Gahdu either.  Huitzilopochtli was well-known by the Aztecs.  The Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl was known to be a “feathered serpent.”  The Mayans knew of Itzam-ye, Gucup Cakix and Tecumbalam.  Many Native American tribes in North America depict totem creatures or spirits in the form of the eagle, hawk, crow, or the Thunderbird.  Kokopelli, the humpback flute player is an anthropomorphic character in Native American culture that is depicted with plumes coming off his head.

The Gahdu were plagued by a disease called the Mutanwi (The Great Change) back in their home system of Ra.  We might refer to it as being violently and uncontrollably insane (or going Berserk).  This Mutanwi caused those afflicted to attack one another ruthlessly and endlessly for no reason.  As you can imagine, a civilization as advanced as the Gahdu could cause great damage throughout a system.  The Gahdu found that humans were completely immune to the Mutanwi virus, so to save their own kind, the Gahdu brought many humans back to the Ra System and began experimenting on them.  They hoped these new Gahdu-human hybrids would be immune just like the humans they were genetically bred from.  The Gahdu called them the Kyhdu or KyhduRa (translating to Ra’s Children) and settled them on Kyhd’i, a recently designed and terraformed planet they named after their creations.  They looked much like the Gahdu but more human in height, eyes, and smaller talons on their hands and feet.

Instead of giving the Kyhdu all their knowledge immediately, the Gahdu taught them language, codes of law, and use of some technologies, advancing them beyond their human ancestors at the time, but not to the point of space travel.  The Gahdu were curious to see how the Kyhdu reconciled their ancestries and developed as a species of their own.  The Kyhdu flourished and progressed as a people, combining heritages from all the Earth’s and Gahdu cultures.

A mere century after the successful creation of the Kyhdu and their implantation on their new home world, several planets exploded in the sky throughout a period of 4 solar cycles.  The Gahdu were never heard from or seen again.

As the Kyhdu technology advanced and achieved space travel, they confirmed the fate of the Gahdu.  The Gahdu had wiped themselves out in a series of battles with those infected by the Mutanwi Virus, driving the entire species to extinction. The Kyhdu thought that the Mutanwi virus had died with them, however they accidentally unleashed it again when they discovered an enormous space station shaped like a pyramid, which turned out to be the sole surviving Gahdu stellar laboratory.  Due to their Gahdu DNA, the Kyhdu are not immune to Mutanwi, and while they are able to cure those afflicted by it due to their human DNA, the temporary effects of the virus can be quite dangerous if the antidote is not administered quickly.

The Kyhdu now move throughout the Ra star system discovering and colonizing habitable and mineable planets, acquiring remnant technologies of their GahduRa ancestors, and learning how to use and adapt it so that one day they may rediscover intergalactic travel to seek out and find Earth.

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