KyhduRa: Space Migration


This is not an exhaustive reference of their entire language, which would include thousands of words, but rather a sampling of the words you will see in the game. We may recognize words or phrases here and there from the KyhduRa language.  The many languages of Earth were partially influenced by the GahduRa to begin with, so naturally bits of our languages retain that of the Gahdu.  Due to humans (Avau) being taken from all over the planet over a prolonged period of time, the KyhduRa language is also partially an amalgamation of many Earth (Ava’i) languages and has also naturally changed over time as any other living language does.

The alphabet consists of 20 sounds, spoken phonetically:
A B D E G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W Y.

Vowels: A E I O U Y, are pronounced much as they are in Latin languages. 

Ŏ like in Father

Ā as in Grey

Ē as in Wield

Ō as in Home

Ū as in You

Ī as in Cry

Consonants: B D G H K L M N P R S T V W, are pronounced similarly as they are in English.

“G” is always a hard sound as in “Goat.”

The “H” without a vowel after it is properly pronounced “Hě” as in “bed,” making Kyhd pronounced hěd, however it is common to just pronounce words without it as in Kīd.

“u” at the end of a word makes it plural, such as “s” or “es” in the English Language, but this can be used at the end of which ever part of a word in a compound word is the part that is plural, such as KyhduRa. Meaning Children of Ra.

“I” at the end of a word, if not preceded by an apostrophe, often acts as “y” or “ly” in English such “cloudy”.  An exception to this is in the Kyhdu word “nwi” which means both “great” or “greatly”.

Compound words can be formed in multiple ways. 

*Nanwi translates to Water [that is] Great or Ocean. 

*KyhduRa “Children (of) Ra” capitalizes the R because Ra is the name of the System’s star. 

*Words that consist of only one letter such as “I”, meaning “Home”, are often preceded by an apostrophe when used in a compound word such as “Kyhd’i” meaning “Child’s Home.”


Anu Cluster: An asteroid cluster named in honor of the great Gahdu leader Aniu, or Anu.

Ava(u): Humans.

Ava’i: Home of the Humans.


Gahdu:  People; the race of people native to the Ra System; see also GahduRa

GahduRa:  Ra’s People; advanced beings from the Ra Star; also called Gahdu and known on Earth as Garuda, Karura, and many other names.

Gahd’i Cluster: An asteroid cluster believed to be the destroyed home world of the Gahdu race due to the number of remnants of a civilization that is found on the various asteroids.


Havgrin: Green Breath; the largest planet in the Ra system, a gas giant with 4 moons (2 solid and 2 dust and gas).

Heru:  An asteroid cluster, named in honor of the great Gahdu leader Horus or Heru.


Kesunwi: Great colors, rainbow; an uninhabitable crystalline planet.

Kumori: Cloudy; A habitable planet in the Ra System with constant cloud cover.

Kyhdu:  Children; Gahdu-human hybrids transplanted to the Ra Star System; also called KyhduRa.

KyhduRa: Children of Ra.

Kyhd’i: The Kyhdu home world, a large habitable planet dotted by many islands.


Lanesh: Ash Land; an uninhabitable planet with seven moons, whose surface is covered entirely with ash.

Lankire: Yellow land; an uninhabitable planet with a highly sulfuric atmosphere.

Luti: Angry; a large volcanic planet with a single ring.


Mamuani: Heavenly ghosts; a giant, peaceful space fairing species looking very similar to jellyfish, that swim through space much like one would expect in the oceans on Earth.

Mutanwi: Great Chang.  A Virus causing uncontrollable violence in it’s infected.


Nanwi:  Great Water, Ocean; the largest habitable planet in the Ra system.  It is covered mostly with water with very few islands and no large land masses.


Olouani: Heavenly Swimmer; a giant, peaceful space fairing species looking very similar to Manta Rays, that swim through space much like one would expect in the oceans on Earth.


Pradais: Altar of Beauty, paradise; a habitable world that has the widest variety of animal and plant species and is encircled by 7 rings.

Pilaunwi:  Great Hills, mountains; a habitable mountainous planet in the Ra system.

Pykuvros: Ice spears; a giant ice crystal formation, visited as a tourist destination for its beauty.

Pyramid:  The Gahdu pyramid; A giant space lab where many of the most important Gahdu experiments took place; including the creation and initial cloning of the Kyhdu.  While this is an English word and not the Kyhdu word, we have included it for the sake of explaining what it is.  (OR Pyr as in fire and Amid as in amongst) as in how it looked coming down to the planet.)

Pyri: Fiery; a small volcanic planet.

Ra: Name of the system’s primary star.

Ramina: Lesser Ra (Sun), Small Ra (Sun); a smaller secondary sun in the Ra system

Reva: Broken; a habitable planet that has several moons (some habitable) that are made up of fragments of the planet created during a Gahdu Mutanwi outbreak.

Risvelgar:  An asteroid cluster named in honor of the great Gahdu leader Hraesvelgr.


Sahudo: Two Rings; a gas planet encircled by two rings.

Sporuembi:  Evil Spores; a cloud space living fungal spores, that attach to ship’s and can enter in through a ship’s exhaust systems, causing boils and pustules on skin and in lungs.


Viluembi: Evil Pixies, Gemlins; a space dwelling creature that infests ships, starting by eating the hull and then the interior.

Vumbi: Dusty; an uninhabitable planet whose surface is mostly covered in brown sedimentary sand.

Vynuani: Space Vine


Amid: Amongst, surrounded by.

Ani:  Heavenly, Celestial, Space.

Anu: Heavens; also a Gahdu known throughout Mesopotamia, leader of the Anunnaki.

Ava: Infant, Human.


Do:  Two. Dual.

Dais: Altar


Embi:  Evil.

Esh: Ash.


Gahd: Person, Being.

Grin: Green


Hav: Wind, Breath.

Heru:  A Gahdu, often called Horus or Heru, known to Egyptian people.


‘I: Home or World, as in “Kyhd’i” meaning “Home of the Kyhd” or “Kyhd World”


Kes: Color.

Kire:  Yellow.

Kumor: Cloud

Kyhd: Child.


Lan: Ground, Land, Rock planet.

Luti: Angry.


Mam:  Ghost.

Mina:  Small, Lesser.

Muta: Change.


Na:  Water.

Nwi: Great, greatly.


Olo:  Swimmer.


Pra: Beauty.

Pila: Hump, Hill.

Pyk: Shard, spear.

Pyr: Fire.

Ra: Sun; revered as both a star and a living entity.

Reva: Broken.

Resvelgar:  A Gahdu, often called Hraesvelgr, known to the Norse people.


Sah: Ring.

Spor: Spore, Seed.


Vil:  Pixie, Sprite.

Vros: Frozen, Ice.

Vumbi: Dusty.

Vyn: Plant